Board of Directors

Mr. Ikteder Ahmed

Chairman and Nominated Director of Merrill & Forbes Inc

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Mr. lkteder Ahmed was elected as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC) by the Share Holders of the Company in the 26th AGM held on November 15, 2023. He is a LL.B. (Hons.) and LL.M. from the University of Dhaka with brilliant performance. He obtained Post Graduation on Juvenile Justice Administration in 1997 from the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for Prevention of Crime and Treatment of Offenders, Tokyo, Japan, on International Labour Standards for Judges, Lawyers and Legal Educators in 2002 from the International Training Centre, Turin, Italy of International Labour Organization in Collaboration with University of Turin, Italy and on Intellectual Property Rights in 2006 from World Intellectual Property Organizations Worldwide Academy, Geneva, Switzerland.

He joined the Bangladesh Civil Service (Judicial) Cadre in the year 1981 and worked as Assistant Judge, Joint District Judge, Additional District and Sessions Judge and District and Sessions Judge in the hierarchy of the parent department while worked as Deputy Director (Law), Ansar and VDP; Deputy Secretary (Law), Election Commission Secretariat; Directory Judicial Administration Training Institute; Secretary, Law Commission; Chairman, Court of Settlement; Registrar General, Supreme Court of Bangladesh and Chairman, Minimum Wages Board on deputation. Went on voluntary retirement on February 8, 2011 in protest against certain injustice.

He visited Australia, Bahrain, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Macau, Malaysia, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Norway, Oman, Pakistan, Quarter, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates and United Kingdom.

Mr. Mahamudul Hasan

Nominated Director of Five Continents

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Coming Soon…

Mr. M Nazrul Islam

Independent Director

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I have been in banking service since the year 1973 when I joined the BRC program successfully. Switched from BRC and joined “Grindlays Bank- now SCB” in 1974 and then joined BCCI (Bank of Credit & Commerce- Bank, now operating as Eastern Bank) in the year 1976 and worked till 1992.

During 1992 I had an opportunity for my First International assignment as DGM with UNION BANK (Zambia) in ZAMBIA and worked till 1998. Returned to the country in late 1998 and Joined DHAKA BANK as EVP, worked till 2001- when I switched to SIBL (Social Islami Bank Ltd) as DMD and worked till 2004. Joined JAMUNA BANK as AMD for a year and was assigned as C E O& MD in the year 2004, worked till 2007.

I switched to an International posting in Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA during 2007- as CEO & MD of Placid International, a renowned Financial Service & Remittance Company, and worked for a year- then Joined BRAC BANK (Afghanistan) in Kabul, AFGHANISTANas CEO & MD during late 2008 and worked till 2015 & retired from banking services after 40+ years.

On return from my assignment in Afghanistan, I joined IT Consultants Limited as an ADVISER in mid-2015 and working till date, in the same advisory capacity.

I have graduated (BSc) and MA (Economics)from the University of Dhaka and have earned my MBA degree – majoring in FINANCE from The Trinity University-Delaware, USA.

We have a family of four and blessed with a son & a daughter- who are well-established &are now living abroad.

Mr. Ansar Uddin Ahmed

Independent Director

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Born in a respectable Muslim family in the District of Laxmipur on May Day, 1952. Mr. Ahmed’s late father was a retired government high school headmaster and the mother was a homemaker.

Studied for the Graduation & Postgraduate Degrees at the Dhaka University during 1969-73f.During this period of life joined the liberation war of Bangladesh and shouldered the responsibility of Deputy District Commander of the Laxmipur zone of the BLF (Mujib Bahini).

After completion of studies, joined the Central Bank of Bangladesh as Assistant Director in 1976, was directly recruited by the Public Service Commission served Bangladesh Bank for about 25 years. During this period, held the posts of General Manager (Director) of the Departments of Currency Management & Accounting, Agricultural Credit, and Banking Regulations& Policy Department. Also, during this period in the Central Bank, passed both parts of the Banking Diploma Examinations, secured the post-graduate diploma degree in Personnel Management, and obtained the Post-graduation Degree in Financial Economics from the University of Wales, UK in 1986.

Afterwards, joined the largest private sector bank, Pubali Bank Limited, as the Deputy Managing Director in early 2000 and served for more than 3 years. Subsequently moved to National Housing and Finance Company Limited (NHFL) and BangladeshIndustrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC) as Managing director in the years 2003 and 2008 respectively. Lastly, served as an Independent Director of BD Finance Ltd., a leading leasing company from 2013 to 2018.

Mr. Shafique-Ul-Azam

Independent Director

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Mr. Shafique-ul-Azam is an Independent Director of the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC). He is also the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee and Member of the Executive Committee. Mr. Shafique-ul-Azam is the managing director of BD Venture Limited, the country’s first venture capital company.  He earned his graduation with honors in Economics and an MBA in Marketing from IBA, University of Dhaka, He started his career in MIDAS as a Junior Project Management Officer in 1986 and retired from MIDAS Finance Limited as Managing Director in 2010. He worked for nine years as Managing Director in MIDAS Finance Limited.

While he was in MIDAS Financing Ltd he represented the company to the Board of BD Venture Limited, Fin Excel Limited. D.  He has vast experience in small, medium, and micro enterprise financing and entrepreneurship development. He conducted many training as a facilitator and lead facilitator on Small Enterprise Development, Micro Enterprise Development, and Micro Credit Management to the midlevel and senior officials of different NGOs, Banks, and International Institutions, like BRAC, PROSHIKA, Department of Women Affairs, Sonali Bank, Janata Bank, ITDG, etc.

Mr. Professor Md Musfiqur Rahman, PhD, FCMA

Independent Director

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Dr. Md. Musfiqur Rahman is an Independent Director of the Board of Directors of Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited (BIFC). He is also the Member of the Audit Committee. He is working as a Professor in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, University of Dhaka. Earlier, he worked as an Associate Professor, Assistant Professor and Lecturer in the same department of University of Dhaka. He has the working experience as ‘Guest Faculty’ in other Public Universities (BUET, BUP), Private Universities (NSU, IUB, EWU, UIU, SUB, DIU and UAP) and Institute (Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market (BICM), ICMAB) of Bangladesh.

He worked as an ‘Independent Director’ in the Board of Directors  from January 06, 2021 to December 31, 2023 in eGeneration Limited, one of the leading management consulting, technology services and outsourcing public limited company, listed in Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE) Plc. He was also the ‘Member of Audit Committee’ in eGeneration Limited.

Dr. Md. Musfiqur completed ‘PhD in Kobe University, Japan’ in 2017. His PhD research topic is “CEO compensation and Corporate Governance: Empirical Evidence from Listed Banks of Bangladesh”. He is mainly interested for corporate governance, corporate financial reporting and disclosure, management compensation, risk management and reporting, sustainability reporting, integrated reporting, climate change reporting and capital market.

He received ‘Second Best Paper Award’ for the paper of “Disclosure Quality of CEO compensation and Its Determinants: Empirical Evidence from the Listed Banks of Bangladesh” in the International Conference on Business and Economics at University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.He also received ‘Second Best Paper Award’ in The 6th Asian Management Research and Case Conference for the paper titled as ‘Quality of Corporate Governance and Its Determinants: Empirical Evidence from Listed Banks of Bangladesh’. He presented the paper titled as ‘Determinants of CEO Compensation: Empirical Evidence from Listed Banks of Bangladesh’ in ‘The 7th International Conference of the Japanese Accounting Review’ organized by Kobe University, Japan. He has published more than twenty five research papers in renowned international and domestic journals.

He worked as a ‘Team Member’ in the ‘Course Curriculum’ Development of the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, University of Dhaka. He is working as a ‘Research Paper Reviewer’ in the recognized local and international journals. He received appreciation and token gift for achieving ‘Best Teacher Evaluation Award’ based on the student’s evaluation in several semesters in EMBA program from the from Dept. of Accounting and Information Systems, University of Dhaka.

He is the ‘Fellow Member (F-950)’ of Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB), one of the leading Professional Institute of Bangladesh. He worked as a ‘Consultant in ICMAB’from January, 2019 to December 31, 2021. He worked as a ‘Team Leader’ in one pillar in developing the ‘ICMAB Course Curriculum 2021’ of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB). He is also the elected ‘Council Member’ of ‘Dhaka Branch Council (DBC)’ for the year 2024 and 2025 consecutively.


He works as a ‘Resource Person’ in the ‘Train the Teachers’ of National University of Bangladesh, He works as a ‘Resource Person’ in Bangladesh Institute of Capital Market (BICM), and The Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of Bangladesh (ICMAB). He delivers frequent lectures and training on IAS/ IFRS and various business and accounting issues to the corporate leaders,

academicians and students. As a professional, he worked as a ‘Member of the Expert Panel’ for reviewing the draft/red-herring prospectus/Information of Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE)’.

Dr. Md. Musfiqur was awarded for ‘Japanese Monbukagakusho Scholarship (MEXT)’in pursuing PhD from October, 2013 to March, 2017. He stood ‘First class First’position in both MBA and BBA program in the Department of Accounting and Information Systems, University of Dhaka and achieved ‘ABM Khaled Memorial Trust scholarship Award’and ‘UGC Merit Scholarship Award’ in BBA program. He enlisted his name in prestigious ‘Dean’s Merit List’ and ‘Dean’s Honor List’ in both MBA and BBA program. He stood ‘20thposition in order of merit in SSC’ in Dhaka Board and received ‘Gold Medal’ from Badda Alatunnesa High School. He was also the recipient of Government Scholarship for SSC & HSC result.

Mr. Abdul Wadud, FCA

Independent Director

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Mr. Md. Abdul Wadud, FCA, joined BIFC as an Independent Director on October 30, 2024. He is also the Chairman of the Audit Committee and Member of the Risk Management Committee of the Board of Directors of the Company. He currently serves as the Managing Partner of Shiraj Wadud & Co., Chartered Accountants.

With 17 years of professional experience, primarily in the financial services sector, Mr. Wadud has held key leadership roles throughout his career. Before establishing himself as a public accountant, he served as the Head of Finance at DBH Finance PLC, a leading financial institution in Bangladesh. He also worked at MIDAS Financing Ltd. as General Manager, Finance, Accounts, Treasury, and Company Secretary.

Mr. Wadud has participated in various training programs, seminars, and workshops both locally and internationally, enhancing his professional acumen. As a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Bangladesh (ICAB) since 2012, he remains an active contributor to the accounting and financial sectors.

Mr. Md. Anwarullah Sadeq

Managing Director (CC)

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Mr. Anwarullah Sadeq started his service in Bangladesh Industrial Finance Company Limited as a Senior Principal Officer, Chattogram Branch on November 08, 2009. He currently serves as the Deputy Managing Director (DMD) and has been in the current charge of the office of the Managing Director since July 03, 2023. Before joining BIFC, Mr. Sadeq worked at Phoenix Finance & Investment Limited and Premier Leasing and Finance Limited. He has more than 24 years of experience in the NBFIs sectors and gained valuable knowledge and skills.

Mr. Sadeq holds a master’s degree in Accounting and he also completed MBA degree major in Marketing. He finished a chartered accountancy course from a reputed firm Toha Anwar Rouf & Co., Chartered Accounts. Throughout his career, Mr. Sadeq participated in various seminars, workshops, and training courses to enhance his knowledge and skills.